WE! are working together for a future-proof region
We! know how to reuse fiber composites
We know that the substitution of metals by fibre composites results in fibrous waste. Unlike conventional metals, these high-quality secondary raw materials are not yet an established part of a closed material cycle. With the establishment of an alliance for the circular and resource economy of fibre composites, the region “Elbtal Sachsen” is now facing up to these challenges.

Networking of institutions related to the value chain of fiber composites

Sustainable structural change in the region “Elbtal Sachsen”

A better circular and resource economy for fiber composites

Impulses for further research and development activities

We have the goal of increasing regional innovative capacity and creating perspectives for further growth and employment. The innovation of the recyclable fibre composite forms the cornerstone for the sustainable structural change in the region “Elbtal Sachsen”.
We as an impulse generator will initiate this important change by further developing existing regional strengths. Not only the optimisation of materials, the collection and bundling of waste streams, the collection and treatment of unmixed materials, the development of new products and training concepts will take place, but rather the region “Elbtal Sachsen” will become identified with this subject relevant to the future.

We keep our value promise that the circular and resource economy for fibre composites developed in the region “Elbtal Sachsen” will strengthen the development opportunities locally by completing existing processes of the value chains and initiating new developments instead of outsourcing them from the region “Elbtal Sachsen”. This improves regional (economic) resilience and variability and creates long-term prospects for growth and employment.
Together, we have the chance to actively shape the future-proofness of the Federal Republic of Germany as a location for dealing with fibre composites.
As of 2024-01-18.
partners are already part of the alliance
locations throughout region “Elbtal Sachsen”
initiatives that we have realised since the scheme was started
tons of annual potential (fibrous waste in the EU)
Project status
by 2024-05-17
Tendering phase
The co-operations that have been established will be intensified. We would like to draw your attention to the call for proposals V2. You thus have the opportunity to take an active part in the alliance by participating in the three theme fields “Use of recycled fibres in the construction industry”, “Recycled fibres as part of the material cycle“ and “Waste management meets construction”, but also with other individual innovations.
Start of the Initiative WIR-V1.1
More information on the joint initiatives “WIR-V1.1 | Collection and sorting of fibrous waste or recyclable materials” can be found under Initiatives.
Advisory Board Meeting 2023
Presentation of the alliance to our advisory board again. The new strategic approach and the results of the partner’s work were presented for discussion, but new approaches to health and sustainability assessment were also evaluated. Thanks to the support of our advisory board, two further initiatives and in total thirteen individual and joint initiatives have now been launched.
About the partnership
Be part of the alliance and join us in facing the challenges with regard to the no longer avoidable handling of fiber composites. Let us together lead the region “Elbe Valley Saxony” into an economically resilient future.